Affordable Housing  USDA rental  Rural Development Housing Wisconsin and Illinois

Affordable Housing USDA Rental Rural Development Housing in Illinois

USDA’s Rural Housing Service offers a variety of programs to build or improve housing and essential community facilities in rural areas. USDA’s Rural Housing Service partners are working together to ensure that rural America continues to be a great place to live, work and raise a family. USDA’s Rural Housing Service provide affordable multifamily rental housing in rural areas.

Affordable Housing USDA Rental Rural Development Housing Wisconsin and Illinois

Affordable Housing USDA Rental Rural Development Housing in Illinois

USDA’s Rural Housing Service offers a variety of programs to build or improve housing and essential community facilities in rural areas. USDA’s Rural Housing Service partners are working together to ensure that rural

USDA Service and 

America continues to be a great place to live, work and raise a family. USDA’s Rural Housing Service provide affordable multifamily rental housing in rural areas.

USDA Rural Development is committed to helping improve the economy and quality of life in rural America. Through our programs, we help rural Americans in many ways. Together, America Prospers.

Three different income limits are used to establish eligibility for Multi-Family Housing programs.

The National Office determines the income limits and updates the limits whenever

they are revised. Adjusted income should be compared with the below-listed income limits to

To be admitted to multi-family housing, applicants must meet basic requirements.

 Have income that does not exceed the limits defined by the Agency;

 Meet the program definition of an eligible household.


Three different income limits are used to establish eligibility for Multi-Family Housing

programs. The National Office determines the income limits and updates the limits whenever they are revised.

Adjusted income should be compared with the below-listed income limits to determine the category in which each household falls:

 The very low-income limit is established at approximately 50 percent of the median

income for the area, adjusted for household size;

 The low-income limit is established at approximately 80 percent of the median

income for the area, adjusted for household size; and

 The moderate-income limit is established by adding $5,500 to the low-income limit

for each household size.